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Stomach Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the stomach vessels.


Large Intestine Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the large intestine vessels.


Lungs Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the lungs vessels.


Heart Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short explanation of the most important heart acupuncture points and how to use them properly to achieve​ a good result.


Small Intestine Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the small intestine vessels.


Bladder Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the bladder vessels.


Kidneys Acupuncture

März 22, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the kidneys vessels.


Gallbladder Acupuncture

März 20, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the gallbladder vessels.


Liver Acupuncture

März 19, 2020

Claude Diolosa gives a short​ explanation about the localisation and therapeutical effects of acupuncture points on the liver vessels.

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