September 6, 2018 by diana

Avicenna News EN – Vaccinations part 2

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Vaccinations part 2

The text on vaccination has caused significant reactions among Chinese medicine practitioners and also in those who do not practice Chinese medicine. To facilitate the understanding of this subject, which is in some way as important as cancer, I decided to improve the knowledge of the issue by adding some additional information concerning the theory of Ye Tian shi. 

This great doctor of the Qing dynasty established a system of differential diagnosis based on four energy levels or layers which are wei, qi, ying and xue. I know that for some readers who do not know the jargon of Chinese medicine these expressions seem strange, but they make it possible to understand the way and also how an infection, like the flu, for example, spreads in the body and which organs or tissues can be damaged. 

The WEI layer symbolizes the immune system, the skin, the pores but also the lungs. The classic definition of flu in the traditional language is:  wind heat or wind dryness and toxins attacking the superficial layers, which means the skin layers, the TMM  (Tendino Muscles Meridian), Luo Mai (especially the lungs Luo Mai)  and of course the lungs. These expressions have symbolic meaning (metaphor) and should be translated into medical terms like virus or bacteria. What we should understand is that even tho the classical interpretation and definition of a grippe/flu is wind heat, dryness and toxins, the Virus has penetrated deep within the organism before the onset or external manifestation of it. To look at a wind heat/dryness pathology as to be an external issue, is somehow wrong. The pathogen influences have penetrated via the mouth and the nose into the organism, hours, days, weeks or even years ( in case of HIV) before the external symptoms manifest. Peppermint which has a pungent cooling, diaphoretic and dispersing nature is of no use for the treatment of wei fen syndrome and to let the patient sweat, might even damage the qi and the liquids without any substantial results.

Regarding the strategy of treatment from ye tian shi, the pathogen influences should be eliminated from the deep layers, using the pathway of the bowel movement (Yang Ming), diuresis (Tai Yang) and the skin (sweating). This means that the treatment strategy is from yin to yang. 

Talking about vaccination is a taboo subject like cancer. The doctors but also the parents feel immediately concerned and react differently according to their intellectual or emotional background. The first (doctors) since they are the social extension or hands that allows pharmaceutical companies to sell their products and parents because they want to protect their offspring from any danger or life-threatening diseases. Now explaining vaccination through the patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine helps to understand the reactions that are likely to occur if the immune system of the child is weak and if the injected substances are of a toxic nature or impure (aluminium and mercury). It is essential to understand the dynamic context. We are talking about one or more dangerous pathogens (11 in France now)  that will be injected into a healthy and young newborn organism (under 2 years old) should „ strengthen its immune response „ in case of a threat. 

This preventive treatment is incomprehensible to a traditional Chinese, Tibetan or Ayurvedic doctor. I speak of course only of those who have received classical training. I also talk of those doctors who have learned pharmacology in details and not of those who practice just acupuncture and combine it with allopathic treatment, food supplements and homoeopathy. 

 When we talk about vaccinations, we are concerned about a retrograde (reverse) movement inside of the 4 layers (Si Fen), that is to say from the deep layers YIN (Blood Layer – Liver and Kidneys),  towards the surface of the body, YANG (Skin – Tissue). Yin are the organs, but also the interstitial layers (Mo Yuan), the blood layer (Xue  Fen), the lower burner or what we also call the Jue Yin (Liver and Blood – using a Liu Jing expression). Yang are the skin, the tissues, the ligaments, muscles but also the nervous system and the brain (upper part). This is a picture, a metaphor to understand how a virus hidden in the depth of the body can express its full potential, hours, weeks (smallpox) or even years later like HIV (Kaposi syndrome). This is what we call incubation, a latent potential, an Alien hiding secretly inside of the blood layers (xue fen) or interstitial layers and tissue (mo yuan), difficult to feel with pulse and tongue diagnosis and to localise because  of its external Yin nature, but highly aggressive and potentially a threat to one’ s health with the ability to mutate quickly. 

The best translation for viruses, using TCM terminology would be: „damp heat and toxins“, with a yin and penetrant nature, having the capacity to moves deep within the organism and hide in the interstitial layers what we might call Mo Yuan, which could also be translated as the Yin aspect of the Shao Yang ( particularly San Chiao – this is my interpretation of Mo Yuan ) and the Blood Layer. The description of Viruses is similar to the KAN GUA from the I GING, dark outside and luminous inside or yin outside and yang inside. KAN GUA always symbolises a potential threat. The fire toxins are hidden or wrapped into a yin layer described as dampness, phlegm or even thick phlegm.  If you want to get rid of it, the moisture (metaphor), the shell has to be broken first to target and release the toxins hidden within. This what the treatment of Ye Tian Shi is all about and the reason why he preferred to use aromatic, good smelling and dispersing herbs with an anti-toxin (antibiotic) nature instead of bitter and cold medicines at the onset of the disease (lonicera flos – jin yin hua- forsythiae fructus – lian qiao) 

If the medicine you use is too hot the heat might increase and if is too cold the mantel of dampness will get denser and encapsulate the toxins even more in the deep layers and transforms the infection into resistant syndromes difficult to eliminate because the yang is deficient. This what’ s happening with allopathic drogues, like paracetamol, ibuprofen or any fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory medicine which damage the yang but also herbal formulas which are too bitter and cold and were given in a small dosage over a long period. This is a tricky situation, and only doctors who studied TCM and particularly the Wen Bing Lun in details will be able to understand and deal with this complicate pathology. Then the pathway used to evacuate (eliminate)  this toxicity is important too. The movement should be from yin to yang, from the blood layer to the Yang Ming (mainly large intestine) and Tai Yang (mainly the skin and the bladder), the bowel movement and diuresis will be the secret path, the elimination channels should be used. 

Successful treatment should target not only the branches but eradicate the root of the sickness. Western medicine is misguiding the treatment by cutting the branches, removing the leaves and destroying the fruits, but keeping the roots untouched. The symptoms get alleviated for a while but reshape again after few months or years with another appearance; this is what we call mutations. The head has been cut off, but new one grows up again. This pattern can be found in many fields even in psychology and psychotherapy: the patient knows everything, but nothing really changes. To play with the projections of the mind do not bring any substantial transformation and ignorance remains. In the field of medicine, a similar attitude is preserved. I use the word preserved on purpose because this medical system and pharmaceutical lobbies don’t wish anyone to be healthy; they would go jobless. Similar to peace treaties between countries, it is just entertainment or anaesthesia for the crowd. Peace and Health are widespread marketing, but those words mean nothing in the mouth of corrupt politician financially supported and elected von powerful lobbies, families or secret societies. How would be the world if there would be neither wars nor sicknesses …?. The wealth and prosperity of few have to be preserved and wars like sick citizens are needed. The branches will be treated but at the same time the causes, the roots of the problems will often be consciously dismissed.  If you want to sell something,  you should first make a marketing study and see what is needed, but you can also create artificially a need, a sickness or a threat to sell your products and use the media to frighten the crowd, this is a classical method used for conflicts in the world and vaccinations.  

Vaccinations are an economical and political issue. We should give up the idea that loving-kindness and compassion rules this behaviour but rather more profit. The collective hypnosis is so profound that few are able to react and the weapons of massive destruction, threatening the world have the same psychological impact and use the same skilful means than vaccinations in the world today. Using the metaphor of Machiavelli: „ Never forget that the one who makes you sick will come later to save your life „. Always look for the roots and do not be obsessed with the branches. 

Viruses are the story of humanity and to cut off the head of the hydra doesn’t’ means that the treatment was successful but creates a mutation and new heads and claws will grow up quickly again. We know now that HIV as 100 of mutations and to prevent the flu with vaccination has become somehow ridiculous, as we know scientifically that flu H1N1 is continuously mutating. The media will tell you that 4 people died from the flu and that humanity should be vaccinated as soon as possible. The first one who died was 95, the second one, was 87 and had asthma since 30 years, the third was 79 and heartsick and the 4th was a child with allergy since his childhood, and this call scientific evidence. 

Because western medicine doesn’t see the body as one unit, the side effects of an allopathic treatment will never be fully acknowledged. If you say that digestive problems, constipation, fibro-adenoma, thyroid knots, shoulder pain, rhinitis, tinnitus, memory loss and heart insufficiency belongs together (yang ming), this will not be accepted from the western medical field. I remember a conference I gave in Hamburg and explained in few words  that short legs syndromes, sciatica, gallbladder stones, osteoporosis of the hips bones, migraine, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, hypertension and sinusitis, belong together  and I remember how a woman stood up and said with tears in her eyes that I was just describing her life. This is the eagle view; this is how medicine should be, and this is was TCM is and always has been….

As French poet and philosopher said: you cannot pick up a flower without moving the clouds .. a Chinese poet would even include the sun the moon and even the stars… this is what Chinese medicine is all about .. moving the sun, the moon and the stars just by puncturing a point. If you wish to understand the heart of this timeless science the I GING should be studied, as he is the root and the soil of Chinese culture. 

Which Toxic Metals Are Found In Vaccines?

Mercury is the best known toxic metal found in vaccines. It is the main ingredient in thimerisol, a chemical used to “sanitize” vaccines. This means that it is added to kill off contaminants that are found in almost all vaccines.

Vaccines are generally grown on animal organs, and the culture medium is sometimes contaminated with various bacteria, viruses, parasites and other foreign matter. Thus, toxic metals may be added to the vaccine to stabilize it and prevent the growth of unwanted organisms.

Lead and cadmium may be found in some vaccine preparations. They may exist as contaminants or even as components used to stabilize, preserve or sanitize the vaccine.

Aluminium may be added to vaccines as it is a known toxin to certain bacteria and may also have other uses as well.

Vaccinations may have been helpful years ago when sanitary conditions were poor and infectious diseases were rampant. Today, the epidemic of autism, ADHD, and other “new” diseases is a far greater threat. We suggest that every parent, study the issue of vaccines very carefully. It may no longer be enough to listen to a paediatrician or health department. Below are some excellent resources to present both sides of the vaccine story.


Books and Periodicals:

  1. Aritma:
  2. Australian Vaccination Network, Informed Voice Magazine.
  3. Butler, H., Just A Little Prick. (496 pages, excellent but hard to find).
  4. Coulter, H., 1999, Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain. Also by Dr. Coulter: A Shot In The Dark.
  5. DeLatte, Y., 1990, Vaccinations, The Untold Truth. (superb research).
  6. Deodati, C., Immunization: History, Ethics, Law and Health.
  7. Dye, M., Vaccinations: Deception & Tragedy.
  8. Halvorsen, R., The Truth About Vaccines: How We Are Used as Guinea Pigs Without Knowing It.
  9. Kirby, D., Evidence Of Harm. (excellent book on the mercury/thimerisol controversy)
  10. Koch, W.F., 1961,The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Disease. Excellent discussion of vaccines and antibiotics.
  11. Matsumoto, G., Vaccine-A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers–And Why GI’s Are Only The First Victims.
  12. McBean, E., 1993, The Poisoned Needle.
  13. Mendelsohn, R.S., 1987, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor.
  14. Miller, N., 2002, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective.
  15. Miller, N., 1995, Immunization Theory Vs. Reality: Expose on Vaccinations.
  16. Mullins, E., 1988, Murder By Injection.
  17. Olmsted, D., paper on autism among the Amish people of Pennsylvania, April 19, 2005.
  18. O’Shea, T., 2005, The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is Not Immunization, 9th edition.
  19. Schreibner, V., PhD., (studies on vaccines and Sudden Infant Death).
  20. Tocco, Mary, “Are Vaccines Safe”, excellent presentation video, available from or 231-642-7984.
  21. Tuite, James, (studies of Gulf War Syndrome).
  22. Wakefield, Andrew (studies on autism caused by vaccines, specifically related to gut problems)



  1. (excellent site operated by Neil Miller)
  2. (National Vaccine Information Center)
  3., (American)
  4. (American)
  5. (vaccine legal defense)
  6. (excellent Canadian site)
  7. (excellent for new developments)
  8. (offers for sale an excellent presentation on DVD).


  1. (The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program)
  2. (The Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System)


  1. Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Summer 1977, pp. 405-428 (regarding effectiveness of vaccines in eliminating diseases).


The next part will follow…

Kind regards,
Claude Diolosa

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